San Francisco

Plenty of sympathy and good strong coffee are served up by Theatre Arts at 1725 Washington St. in their presentation of Robert Anderson's "Tea and Sympathy"

The plight of a sensitive boy in a New England private school who is accused of homosexuality is expertly and sympathetically portrayed to receptive audiences. But more than sympathy is the rapport felt between cast, story and audience --. the ultimate of a production well staged.

Following the final curtain the audience is invited to join the company in an informal reception over "coffee". Because the play has been so well received, thc production will extend into October with performances Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights at 8:30 and twice on Saturday at 8:00 and 10:30.

This production should be on your

"must" list. Don't miss it.

while the advertising and "titles" arc most misleading and crroneous, the "Wcll of Loneliness" and/or "Pit of Loneliness" movic at the Cinema on Market St. is a rather good adaptation of the book, "Olivia", published in 1949 by William Sloanc Associates. It is a French movic of a young girl's attachment to the head mistress of a finishing school.

Los Angeles

Showing at Coronet Scptember 25 and 26 at 7:45 p.m. is the German classic,